Phase 2 of returning to research begins; grad student study space; Campus Store and library book pickup
On-campus research
With the first phase of returning research at McMaster well established, and with the broader provincial easing of restrictions, the university is now moving to the next phase of its phased increase of on-campus research.
Phase 2 allows for additional activities to take place on campus, including some training of research personnel, special requests involving human participants in research and some consultations with external research partners — all only if needed and approved.
Working remotely is still the preference for most research work and any return to campus remains voluntary for researchers. There are detailed guidelines and appropriate safety protocols required before a researcher or any required staff returns to campus, which can be found on the Research and Innovation website.
Dedicated study space for graduate students
The University Library, working in partnership with the School of Graduate Studies, is offering McMaster graduate students a dedicated study space for a limited period this August and September.
The Graduate Thesis Completion Study Space, located in Mills Learning Commons, is available for use by McMaster graduate students through to Sept. 18. The space has been reconfigured to ensure physical distancing is maintained and is intended for McMaster graduate students who have unreliable internet connections at home or are in challenging living situations that don’t support an effective writing environment.
Graduate students wishing to use this space must apply for access. Students will then be able to use their Working@McMaster ID card, or a white security card to access the Learning Commons.
In addition to wearing masks and respecting physical distancing guidelines, students are required to complete the Provincial Self-Assessment Tool one hour prior to arriving on-site and complete the COVID-19 Awareness training offered through Mosaic. Hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes will also be provided, among a number of other safety measures.
This study space will be accessible Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Book pickup
The Campus Store is gearing up for the new academic year, offering students free shipping within Canada and setting up a pickup window option for those who live locally.
Shipping is free in Canada for all orders over $75 before tax. Free shipping is the preferred option to minimize contact but for those who spend less than $75, the Campus Store has set up a limited-hours pickup window. International shipping is also available.
Social distancing measures will be in place at the pickup window, accessible through the exterior entrance on the north side of Gilmour Hall. Face masks, photo ID and a copy of your web order are required when picking up Campus Store orders.
The University Library is also offering a curbside pickup option for McMaster graduate students, post docs and faculty to access print books that are not available as an e-book or cannot be accessed electronically through the Library’s agreement with HathiTrust.
All pickups are at the Mills Library loading dock, at pre-arranged times. Users will stay in their cars while library staff puts books in their trunks.
For Health Science Library requests please contact
Masks on campus
Face coverings or masks are mandatory for all indoor spaces at McMaster. For those who come to the main campus and do not have a face covering, disposable masks will be available at the Compass desk in MUSC, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
COVID-19 Updates