June convocation will be online — until we can celebrate in person
Essential Services
New provincial rules to ensure that as many people as possible stay home to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 are a reminder to the university community that only those employees whose work is required to be maintained and considered essential should be on campus. All others who are able to work from home should do so. Employees are reminded to check with their supervisor if they have any questions.
Services covered under the new essential work directives include residences, research that is identified as essential, animal facilities, the production of radioactive isotopes at the nuclear reactor and the maintenance, cleaning, technology and other support staff required to keep these areas running.
Spring Convocations
Convocation is an important part of the university experience but this spring, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing, convocation ceremonies at McMaster will need to be different this year.
In order for students to celebrate convocation in place of McMaster’s normal spring ceremonies, online celebrations are being planned with an in-person ceremony to be scheduled at a later date.
We recognize that Convocation is an important and special event for graduands, our award recipients and their families, and we are actively developing plans for both the online and in-person celebrations.
Please note that while the ceremony is changing, this will not change the timing of when you graduate and the conferral of degrees for graduands. Those eligible to graduate will be granted their degree on time.
More details will follow as they are determined.
Spring and Summer Terms will be online
Spring term will begin on May 4, 2020, the regularly planned spring start date. Summer term begins June 22, 2020. Courses will be offered in an online Virtual Classroom format but no face-to-face classes will be available. Further information about three semester programs with clinical placements and courses with studio, field, or lab experiences will be communicated when more information can be provided.
IT support for students
To help students as they transition to online coursework for the remainder of the term, the University is providing a range of technology supports and advice, primarily through University Technology Services (UTS) and the MacPherson Institute. This helpful link outlines the range of tools and supports available: https://registrar.mcmaster.ca//opt/vhosts/globalnexus.mcmaster.ca/www/web/app/uploads/2020/03/Summary-of-IT-support-available-to-students.pdf
COVID-19 Updates